3DOF+Quantization: 3DGS quantization for large scenes with limited Degrees of Freedom
Matthieu Gendrin  1@  , Théo Ladune  1@  , Stéphane Pateux  1@  
1 : Orange Labs [Cesson-Sévigné]
Orange Labs

3DGS [Kerbl et al., 2023] is a major breakthrough in 3D scene re-
construction. With a number of views of a given object or scene, the
algorithm trains a model composed of 3D gaussians, which enables the
production of novel views from arbitrary points of view. This freedom
of movement is referred to as 6DoF for 6 degrees of freedom: a view
is produced for any position (3 degrees), orientation of camera (3 other
degrees). On large scenes, though, the input views are acquired from a
limited zone in space, and the reconstruction is valuable for novel views
from the same zone, even if the scene itself is almost unlimited in size.
We refer to this particular case as 3DoF+, meaning that the 3 degrees of
freedom of camera position are limited to small offsets around the central
position. Considering the problem of coordinate quantization, the impact
of position error on the projection error in pixels is studied. It is shown
that the projection error is proportional to the squared inverse distance
of the point being projected. Consequently, a new quantization scheme
based on spherical coordinates is proposed. Rate-distortion performance
of the proposed method are illustrated on the well-known Garden scene.

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